I have decided to get on the Geezer Glide and ride all the way from Knoxville to Sturgis, the home of the world's largest motorcycle rally.

I have gone on long rides before, but never like this. Some people are telling me that I am crazy but I am planning a sloooooow ride over a 9 day period of time. This has been a fantasy for a long time with no real goal in mind. If I make it to Sturgis, fine. If I make it to Crossville, fine!

I would get to visit a slew of states that I have never been to and will have the camera clicking away. I have always wanted to see Mount Rushmore...

... Devil's Tower that was depicted in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind...
... and being the history buff that I am, there's no way that I can miss a chance to go to Deadwood, the town made famous as the site of the shooting of Wild Bill Hickok during a poker game.
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